31 research outputs found

    Modeling Deep Context in Spatial and Temporal Domain

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    Context has been one of the most important aspects in computer vision researches because it provides useful guidance to solve variant tasks in both spatial and temporal domain. As the recent rise of deep learning methods, deep networks have shown impressive performances on many computer vision tasks. Model deep context explicitly and implicitly in deep networks can further boost the effectiveness and efficiency of deep models. In spatial domain, implicitly model context can be useful to learn discriminative texture representations. We present an effective deep fusion architecture to capture both the second order and first older statistics of texture features; Meanwhile, explicitly model context can also be important to challenging task such as fine-grained classification. We then present a deep multi-task network that explicitly captures geometry constraints by simultaneously conducting fine-grained classification and key-point localization. In temporal domain, explicitly model context can be crucial to activity recognition and localization. We present a temporal context network to explicitly capture relative context around a proposal, which samples two temporal scales pair-wisely for precise temporal localization of human activities; Meanwhile, implicitly model context can lead to better network architecture for video applications. We then present a temporal aggregation network that learns a deep hierarchical representation for capturing temporal consistency. Finally, we conduct research on jointly modeling context in both spatial and temporal domain for human action understanding, which requires to predict where, when and what a human action happens in a crowd scene. We present a decoupled framework that has dedicated branches for spatial localization and temporal recognition. Contexts in spatial and temporal branches are modeled explicitly and fused together later to generate final predictions

    Residual Mixture of Experts

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    Mixture of Experts (MoE) is able to scale up vision transformers effectively. However, it requires prohibiting computation resources to train a large MoE transformer. In this paper, we propose Residual Mixture of Experts (RMoE), an efficient training pipeline for MoE vision transformers on downstream tasks, such as segmentation and detection. RMoE achieves comparable results with the upper-bound MoE training, while only introducing minor additional training cost than the lower-bound non-MoE training pipelines. The efficiency is supported by our key observation: the weights of an MoE transformer can be factored into an input-independent core and an input-dependent residual. Compared with the weight core, the weight residual can be efficiently trained with much less computation resource, e.g., finetuning on the downstream data. We show that, compared with the current MoE training pipeline, we get comparable results while saving over 30% training cost. When compared with state-of-the-art non- MoE transformers, such as Swin-T / CvT-13 / Swin-L, we get +1.1 / 0.9 / 1.0 mIoU gain on ADE20K segmentation and +1.4 / 1.6 / 0.6 AP gain on MS-COCO object detection task with less than 3% additional training cost